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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Handprint Art

I've really been into handprint/footprint art lately. It's amazing how many different designs you can make with your child's handprints and footprints. And I LOVE Pinterest, and can spend way too much time browsing all the pins, but I found lots of cute ideas for crafts I can do with my daughter. Handprints are just so cool because they're unique to each person individually. Here are the 3 things I made over the last 2 weeks:

I captured all 3 of us. And G made sure we knew that daddy was blue, mommy was green and she was pink. ;-)

Then we painted a flower pot for Grandma. She has lots of plants all over her house and I knew she would enjoy a cute, hand painted pot! 

Then I made a calendar with G's handprints and footprints. I'm just going to hang it in her room, but it's such a nice memento to remember when her hands and feet were this small. I hand painted on the extra details once the handprints/footprints were dry. :-)

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