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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Rainbow Party

My little girl is 3 now! It truly is amazing how fast time goes by. The older I get it, it seems like the faster time goes by. This year's theme was rainbow which truly was an easy theme. You pretty much just buy supplies in every color and it goes right along with your rainbow theme. I had a lot of fun planning this party. First I sent out rainbow invitations. I found this template on Pinterest and loved it! It was a foldable rainbow that came out of the envelope. How cool is that?

I rolled up the silverware in different colored napkins and arranged the colors like a rainbow.

These rainbow lollipops were the favors. I attached a little paper that said "Rainbow To-Go!".

These were the cupcakes I made. They were actually pretty easy. I made the cupcakes out of rainbow speckled cake mix. I bought a frosting that was already blue because I have the hardest time dying frosting and getting it the color I want. The rainbows were airhead candy strips. I cut each strip in half and then bent it and stuck it in the frosting. Then I bought a white spray frosting bottle to spray the clouds on each end. Pretty easy! Didn't take much time. 

We made fruit kabobs and arranged them in the order of a rainbow. We used purple grapes, blueberries, kiwi, pineapple, cantaloupe, and strawberries. Yum!

I didn't get many pictures of everything all set up, but here you can see the silverware bucket, the lollipop favors, and then I made beer margaritas and had rainbow colored cups.

We had a taco bar complete with condiments, salsa, guacamole, etc. I found the pans and chafing dishes at a garage sale for $5. A couple people thought we catered the food. Nope. That was hard work. 

And here is the aftermath of making all that food for the party. Lots and lots of dishes. Yuck!

One of Jesse's co-workers' parents own a small bouncy house and they said we could borrow it for the party which was so nice of them! The kids had a blast in it!

And the birthday girl even had a rainbow dress. Such a blast! Happy 3rd birthday G!

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