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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Hopscotch Paver Path

We have a ton of rocks in our backyard which makes it hard to walk in certain parts barefoot. We were wanting to create a path connecting our patio to the grass area. I decided how cute would it be to make the path a hopscotch path? This project was fairly simple and only took a couple hours. 

We first shoveled the rocks to either side to create our space. We then laid tarp along the path. I am a firm believer that you can never have too much tarp! ;-) Then we laid a thin layer of sandbox sand on top of the tarp and raked it evenly.

Next I spaced the pavers in the path, just eyeballing them to align them evenly, but you could get out a tape measurer if you wanted to be more exact. I bought the 12"x12" pavers from Lowe's for $1.78/ea. They have other color options, but I thought red would add a pop of color out back. 

We lined the path on either side with large landscape rocks that I found for free off Craigslist. Score! We filled in the path with more sandbox sand to the height of the pavers, but you could fill with mulch or gravel or whatever you can find. 

I bought these number stencils at Walmart for $3.98. The stencil border was a little small, so I cut a hole in a sheet of paper, taped the stencil over the hole and there you go! This way the spray paint won't get all over the pavers. 

I just sprayed all the numbers with the same color, a mint green. But I know a lot of people prefer to make their hopscotch path rainbow colored, I just didn't want too many colors going on. But feel free to customize it however you like! 

Here is the finished project! I love it!

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