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Tuesday, August 9, 2016


I'm a huge fan of country decor as I just love anything shabby chic. One material that is often used with DIY country themed decor is twine. There are SO many cool things you can make with twine. I am always on the look out for new ideas. I have attempted several projects, some successful, some not. Here are a few decorations around my house that I made:

I just used an old wooden frame for the border. I bought the wreath at Hobby Lobby for $6.99 and the wooden letter for $2.99. I wrapped twine around the letter, using a hot glue gun about every third wrap. Then I made 3 burlap flowers by folding, twisting, and gluing. You can decorate your wreath however you'd like. 

I wrapped twine around wine bottles, once again gluing about every 3rd or 4th wrap. You can use many different materials to make the letters. Just use whatever you have around the house.

I bought a cheap picture at the Dollar Store to use as the base for this picture. I took fabric from an old shirt that I no longer wanted to cover the picture. I also used fabric from old clothes to make the flowers as well. I have learned to recycle old clothes for projects. I used twine to make the letters. The letters were very time consuming, but I think they turned out pretty great.

I wrapped burlap around a mason jar and then topped the burlap with twine. You can glue every couple wraps. I attached an old skeleton key to the top of the twine. You can buy skeleton keys in the jewelry section at any craft store. This project was SUPER easy. It only took about 5 minutes. I used this as a toothbrush holder, but you could make it a vase or a kitchen utensil holder or whatever else you want. 

Hope you got some ideas! Happy crafting!

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